Friday, February 10, 2017


Hello friends and welcome.
I created this blog because a couple of us have tossed around the idea of creating a film club at the school. Since many of us are extremely busy and organizing a club is a lot of work, I thought we could just start a "club." We will vote on a movie every week or every other week, then watch it (if you want, purely voluntary), and share our ideas. The blog is just a space where we can share our thoughts, theories, comments on the film for everybody to see in an organized space. You do not have to post but if you have something interesting to say it could start a great discussion. If able to, some of us could even coordinate the watching of said movies with programs such as "showgoers" which allows multiple people to watch a movie at the same time and comment on it. Some of the movies should be on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu etc, but if not a little pirating never hurt nobody (right?). This is a totally no pressure non committal activity so feel free to come and go as you please but if you are interested in a film, please vote! We all know what happened when half the population didn't vote on something.... bad things. I'll link some things, put up a list of suggested movies (the can be added to) soon, but share this with your friends if you think they'd be interested!

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